Nov. 25-Dec,03 岐阜県 白扇酒造株式会社でデザインを手がける新商品発表、ライブペインティング、作品展示を行いました。
Mar. MdN書籍編集部「MdNデザイナーズファイル2023」に掲載されました。
Feb. BNN「アニメ・ゲームのロゴデザイン」に掲載されました。
Jan. グラフィック社「亜細亜の漢字ロゴデザイン」に掲載されました。
Feb. BNN「アニメ・ゲームのロゴデザイン」に掲載されました。
Jan. グラフィック社「亜細亜の漢字ロゴデザイン」に掲載されました。
Oct. 1-10, 火消Spiritにてコラボレーションアパレル・作品特別展示を行いました。
Sep. 17-19, 六本木アートナイト2022 にてライブペイントを行いました。
Sep. Victionary「Hanzi•Kanji•Hanja 2」に掲載されました。
Oct. グラフィック社「作字作法」に掲載されました。
July. 株式会社翔泳社「ILLUSTRATION2022」に掲載されました。
Apr. 广西师范大学出版社「字体的个性」に3作品掲載されました。
Oct. グラフィック社「作字作法」に掲載されました。
July. 株式会社翔泳社「ILLUSTRATION2022」に掲載されました。
Apr. 广西师范大学出版社「字体的个性」に3作品掲載されました。
Dec. 香港 Hightone Publishing「東方色彩 -Oriental Colors-」に作品が掲載されました。
Dec. 香港 Hightone Publishing「東方色彩 -Oriental Colors-」に作品が掲載されました。
Nov. 8-15, 上海近代美術館 開催・SLASH GALLERY主催「CHAOS ART EXHIBITION」のメイングラフィックを制作し、作品を展示しました。
July. artbook事務局 「WA MODERN 和モダン2020」に作品が掲載されました。
Oct. 10-13, ART SAN DIEGO 2019 に出展しました。
Apr. 4-7, ART EXPO NEW YORK 2019に出展しました。
May. 8, Tonymagazineにインタビューが掲載されました。
Mar. 1, Sendpoints「BranD magazine No.44 Lost Dog&Cat」にMILTZ 2018 New Year's greeting cardが掲載されました。
Mar. 1, Sendpoints「Japanese Motifs in Contemporary Design」に作品が掲載されました。
Aug 16, Behanceで「MORNING TYPOGRAPHY WEEK:005-006」が特集されました。
Aug. 3, Behanceで「KANJI-LINE:HATOUUNSAN」が特集されました。
July. 19, Behanceで「MILTZ 2018 New Year's greeting card」が特集されました。
June. 30, イタリアで行われる世界最大の国際デザインコンペ、A’ Design Awardsで「KANJI-LINE:TENGAFUCHIN」がシルバー賞を受賞しました。
May. 12, アートブックWA MODERN 2018に「KANJI-LINE:HATOUUNSAN」が掲載されました。
Apr. 11, Behanceで「MORNING TYPOGRAPHY WEEK:003-004」が特集されました。
Apr. 6, Sandu PublishingのASIAN TYPOGRAPHYの日本語訳版「アジアンタイポグラフィデザイン」がグラフィック社より発売されました。
Nov. 25, Behanceで「KANJI-LINE"CREATURE"001-005」が特集されました。
Nov. 16, Sandu PublishingのASIAN TYPOGRAPHYに「GOKOU & SumiGOKOU Branding」「2017 New Year’s greeting card」が掲載されました。
Nov. 10, Behanceで「MANDALA ∞ DRAWING」が特集されました。(Instagram)
Sep. 08, Behanceで「KANJI-LINE"BLOCK"」が特集されました。
Mar. 31, loftworkのコンペディション「地名設計」で「KANJI-LINE:SHIBUYA」が受賞しました。
Feb. 11, loftworkのコンペディション「Happy Greeting card 2017」で「2017 New Year’s greeting card」が受賞しました。
Nov. 25-Dec,03 Live painting, exhibition, and collaborative product launch event at the Hakusen Sake Brewery, founded in the Edo period.
Oct. Works were posted on "yearbook of lettering" by Slanted Publishers (Germany).
Mar. Works were posted on "MdN Designers file 2023" by MdN.
Feb. Works were posted on "Logo design for animation and games" by BNN.
Jan. Works were posted on "Kanji logo design for Asia" by graphic-sha.
Feb. Works were posted on "Logo design for animation and games" by BNN.
Jan. Works were posted on "Kanji logo design for Asia" by graphic-sha.
Oct. 1-10, Special exhibition of collaborative apparel and artwork was held at Hikeshi Spirit.
Sep. 17-19, Live painting at Roppongi Art Night 2022
Sep. Works were posted on "Hanzi•Kanji•Hanja 2」by Victionary
Oct. Works were posted on "Sakuji-Saho" by graphic-sha.
July. Works were posted on "ILLUSTRATION2022" by Shoei-sha.
Apr. Works were posted on "字体的个性" by 广西师范大学出版社.
Oct. Works were posted on "Sakuji-Saho" by graphic-sha.
July. Works were posted on "ILLUSTRATION2022" by Shoei-sha.
Apr. Works were posted on "字体的个性" by 广西师范大学出版社.
Dec. Works were posted on "東方色彩 -Oriental Colors-" by HongKong Hightone
Dec. Works were posted on "東方色彩 -Oriental Colors-" by HongKong Hightone
Nov. 8-15, We created the main graphic for "CHAOS ART EXHIBITION" organized by SLASH GALLERY and held at SHANGHAI MODERN ART MUSEUM, and exhibited our works.
July. Works were posted on WA MODERN 和モダン2020" by artbook japan
Oct. 10, Works were posted on "New Generation Graphics ,100 new generation designers " by PIE International
Apr. 4-7, We exhibited at ART EXPO NEW YORK 2019.
May. 31, Works were posted on "ART BOOK OF SELECTED ILLUSTRATION WA MODERN 和モダン2019.
May. 8, An interview was published in Tonymagazine.
Mar. 1, Works were posted on "BranD magazine No.44 Lost Dog&Cat" by Sendpoints.
Mar. 1, Works were posted on "Japanese Motifs in Contemporary Design" by Sendpoints. Feb. 8, Works and interviews were posted on "Sakuji-hyakkei" by Graphic-sha.
Aug. 16, "MORNING TYPOGRAPHY WEEK:005-006" was featured at Behance.
Aug. 3, "KANJI-LINE:HATOUUNSAN" was featured at Behance.
Aug. 01, A works and interviews were posted on IdN vol 24 no.6.
July. 23, A work was posted in Illust-Note No.47 (published by Seibundo Shinkosha).
June. 30, "KANJI-LINE: TENGAFUCHIN" won a silver prize at the international design competition "A 'Design Awards" to be held in Italy.
May. 12, "KANJI-LINE: HATOUUNSAN" was posted on art book WA MODERN 2018.
Apr. 11, "MORNING TYPOGRAPHY WEEK:003-004" was featured at Behance.
Apr. 6, "GOKOU & SumiGOKOU Branding"&"2017 New Year's greeting card" was posted on ASIAN TYPOGRAPHY DESIGN of Graphic Publishing
Dec. 11, "KANJI-LINE" Higefla:003" was selected as a cover art at loftwork's feature article "THE BEST WORKS OF 2017".
Dec. 06, At the "MdN January 2018 / Vol. 285", artwork and "Forest Movie Festival 2017" logo mark was featured.
Nov. 25, "KANJI-LINE"CREATURE"001-005 was featured at Behance.
Nov. 16, "GOKOU & SumiGOKOU Branding"&"2017 New Year's greeting card" was posted on ASIAN TYPOGRAPHY of Sandu Publishing
Oct. 05, "GOKOU & SumiGOKOU Branding" was featured at Behance.
Sep. 08, "KANJI-LINE:BLOCK" was featured at Behance.Sep. 08, Aug. 16, "KANJI-LINE"Hige-camouflage":003" was awarded at loftwork Competition "PLAYFUL FUROSHIKI Project".
Mar. 31, "KANJI-LINE: SHIBUYA" was awarded in loftwork's competition "The Destination Name Project".
Feb. 11, "2017 New Year's greeting card" was awarded at loftwork Competition "Happy Greeting card 2017".